
Starfish Computer Named to Redmond Channel Partner Magazine RCP 350 List

Starfish Computer Named to Redmond Channel Partner Magazine RCP 350 ListStarfish Computer Corporation, a Microsoft Managed Service Provider was named by Redmond Channel Partner magazine on Monday to the RCP 350, a list of the top 350 Microsoft partners in the United States.

“I am very proud of this team we have built here at Starfish Computer. They have excelled at providing a great customer experience and leveraging Microsoft solutions to improve our customers operations for over 25 years”, said R.J. Arhar President of Starfish Computer, a Microsoft Gold Partner.

"Great Microsoft partners look at a customer's business and select the right technologies from Microsoft's wide range of sophisticated offerings, fine tune them for their customer's needs and expertly enhance them with their own or other technology companies' solutions. They bring the full power of the Microsoft technology stack to each customer, making those customers more productive, more profitable and more agile. The companies that made our RCP 350 list represent the best Microsoft partners in the United States," said Scott Bekker, Editor-in-Chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine, the leading channel news site for the Microsoft partner community.

Companies in the RCP 350 range from huge partners with broad Microsoft technology capabilities and thousands of consultants to boutique companies with very specialized expertise. The complete 2021 list is available now at

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